How to Build a Website in 2021-Updated Beginner's Guide Part 2


 How to Build a Website in 2021-Updated 

Beginner's Guide Part 2

How to Build a Website in 2021-Updated Beginner's Guide Part 2

    Website Design and Planning

    Just as it is not usually a good idea to begin cooking without first following a recipe, at least if you have no experience, it is not always a good idea to begin constructing a website without first following a recipe. Importing is not a smart notion in this situation. Planning can assist you in determining which parts you require, the material that will work best for you, and how your website should be structured.
    Making a mind map with thoughts for what your website will require is a fantastic place to start. The major components of the mind map can be utilized for navigation.

    Tips for Developing your Website

    • Take a piece of paper and a pen and make notes of everything you wish to put on the website. Brainstorming and making a mind map are excellent methods for organizing your thoughts
    • Look at other websites that are attractive in terms of both design and content. Take note of what you like and dislike.
    • Once you've created a rough drought of what you want on your website, get feedback from people you trust. You'll undoubtedly come across some unique points of view that you may integrate.
    • Make a list (Excel, for example) of all the pages your websites will contain, Make a note of the title, the type of material you'll have, keywords, the purpose, the type of page, and the importance of each.

    Extra tip: If you want to rank well in the Search Engine, now is the time to figure out, What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? 

    What about the design of the Website?

    Crating Visual Web design is a difficult undertaking. In fact, I'd argue that there are more examples of bad designs than excellent ones online. Don't allow your website to be one of them.

    This is not a professional designer's guidance, but it will offer you some pointers that I believe always work:

    • For the backdrop, choose a light (or white) color.
    • color that compliments each other should be chosen if you need assistance, use Adobe Color.
    • Maintain a clean, basic style with plenty of white space between items.
    • Don't use too many fonts: one for titles and another for texts generally plenty. This information will assist you in making your decision. 
    • Maintain a consistent style and format. Users should not be able to tell the difference between your pages.
    • Your website should also be fully responsive to mobile devices.
    • Any photos you include must be professional in appearance. Don't post a Selfie taken in front of a restroom mirror. Remember that today's cellphone captures excellent photographers. You can acquire amazing headshots if you plan ahead of time.
    • Less is more in this care. when in doubt, keep it simple.

    What characteristics do good websites have in common?

    Art work and Design

    1. Good-Looking Artwork

    The selection of a logo and images is critical for creating a professional-looking website. It is necessary that are available: The most common are.jpg, .gif, and.png. In addition, you must adjust the image's size and quality for the web standard browser.

    2. Copy that should be of high quality

    It is important to remember that writing for a website is not the same as writing a letter or a book. We tend to be less formal on the web. But we also need to assist busy people to get the information they need fast. This means that we must make our material scalable by:

    • Utilizing a logical headline structure.
    • Avoiding allowing text paragraphs to get too lengthy.
    • Adding bullet points.
    • And so on choosing easy-to-read styles

    3. A contact form and the logical navigation menu

    Instead of an Email address, employ a contact foram to give your visitors a professional design. Contact forms may be easily integrated with solutions like Wix or WordPress.

    Remember that the navigation bar on your website is essential for users to go from one page to another. Pay close attention to it and ensure that it flows logically, for example, if your goal is for people to write a message via the contact form, failing to provide a link to it in the menu or page footer would be a massive blunder.

    Before you lunch your website, make sure you complete the first sign-up!

    Steps to build a website

    Website Building

    We may divide the website development process into the following steps:

    • Plan your website and organize your thoughts on a mind map.
    • Determine the type of material you require for your website.
    • Purchase the domain name, for example from Namecheap (bot you can also buy it after).
    • Select the most suitable website builder.
    • Create the content (text and graphics, for example) for each page.
    • Optimize your SEO by adding content to your website.
    • Publish and advertise the page.

    Your Website is now live. So What now?

    Google Analytics

    if you've already developed and launched your website, you may begin advertising and optimizing it to boost traffic and enhance user experience.

    Update Website: The website does not book, thus they are kept up to date. They can still be updated after they've been published. Make it point to generate new and relevant material whenever possible, and keep the website up to date. Consider a restaurant's website: if the menu changes, it should be updated as soon as possible on the website.

    Online positioning:  In order to attract as many people as possible, you must improve your website's SEO. This is not a difficult task, but it does take time and effort.

    Web Analysis:  Your efforts in internet placement (said above) would be worthless if you do not track your website traffic, that is how you will know if it is functioning or not, Google Analytics is the most widely used website analyzing tool. And it's completely free.

    Search Console: Of course, once your website is up, you should sign up for Google Search Console: to tell google that your page is existing and to gather information. Alternatively, provide Google your website URL(Address) so that it may index it.

    Email Marketing:  Another common technique, particularly for businesses, is to send regular emails to visitors in order to maintain touch. This is particularly beneficial to internet retailers, small companies, and bloggers. Email Marketing is an art form in and of itself. More information o how to get started mailing newsletters may be found in this How-to-guide.

    Social Media:  Finally, most websites include social media profiles (eg: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, etc,...) to allow visitors (and future visitors) to connect with them outside of the website you've built. This is especially beneficial for visual professions such as artists, jewelry, and photographs. 

    If you are interested to know about Social Media just read it.

    I think this beginner's guide is helped you, if you think it helped you may I know it in the comments.

    Thank you.

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