What exactly is Email Marketing? Why would you do it? And How?


What exactly is Email Marketing?

Why would you do it? And How?

What exactly is Email Marketing? Why would you do it? And How? Digittal Leaf


    It’s pleasure to meet you all in this post. Today we going to cover an important topic, which 90% of companies nowadays are using. And this is the best strategy for your SMMA agency. 
    I too have one, you can get the service at any time. So, let’s back to the topic, it was a great idea to have an email marketing service like GetResponse, AWeber, Constant Contact, and etc… Before we need to know What exactly is Email Marketing?

    What is exactly is Email Marketing

    Email marketing is a type of direct marketing in which commercial or fundraising communications are communicated to an audience using emails. Every email sent to a potential or present consumer may be considered email marketing in the widest sense. However, the phrase is more commonly used to refer to:

    • Sending emails with the goal of gaining new consumers or encouraging current customers to buy something right away.

    • Sending emails with the goal of improving a merchant's relationship with its present or past consumers and encouraging customer loyalty and repeat business.

    • Including ads in emails sent to consumers by other businesses.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing

    What exactly is Email Marketing? Why would you do it? And How? Digittal Leaf


    Email marketing provides a number of significant benefits over traditional email marketing, including the following:

    • When done correctly, a precise return on investment can be monitored and has proved to be high. Email marketing is frequently cited as the second most effective internet marketing strategy, after only search marketing.

    • Advertisers can reach a large number of email subscribers who have signed in to receive emails on topics of interest to them.

    • On an average day, more than half of all Internet users check or send an email. Marketers may use email to reach out to customers with customized, relevant, and dynamic communications.

    • Transactional emails enable businesses to automatically respond to significant customer events such as purchases or shopping cart abandonment.


    The drawbacks of email marketing revolve around the rejection/spam rate of the emails by the customers' email program, which has a negative impact on the email delivery rate. This has been partially mitigated by the concept of “Opt-in” emailing, in which the customer consents to receive the emails and therefore removes the possibility of getting unwanted emails – ideally keeping communications that are relevant and suitable to each particular recipient.

    Why and How about Email marketing 

    What exactly is Email Marketing? Why would you do it? And How? Digittal Leaf

    So the questions are, why and how should email marketing be done? So here are some ideas on the subject:



    There are no two ways about it: email marketing is CHEAP. Marketing to hundreds of people via email will cost you ping pong compared to other channels of advertising, whether you do it yourself or through an email marketing company.


    Emails may be carefully targeted to the perfect consumer. With this notion in mind, as well as email's cost-effectiveness, it's no surprise that email marketing's ROI frequently blows other direct marketing tactics out of the water — the challenge is to do it right!

    Measurability and Flexibility

    With today's analytics, it's simple to track specific replies to your emails in order to determine which elements of your campaign are working and which aren't. With this insight, you can then respond quickly to change your campaign approach if necessary.



    The entire design of the email (layout/images/color) is referred to as creative. It is especially important to ask each consumer if they prefer text or HTML emails, as there is typically a strong preference for one over the other.


    "targeting, and more targeting." If you want to increase your response rate, make your emails relevant and personalized to each recipient.


    When recipients read emails, they ask themselves, "WIIFM?" (What's in it for me?). Isn't there no such thing as a free lunch? Well… If you offer the recipient a "free lunch" for participating, they are more likely to reply.


    Instead of sending an email that recipients will get overnight, allow it to arrive in their inbox throughout the working day. This extends to choosing certain days, months, and even years. Remember, you may test and assess which email's best timing.


    Businesses cannot rely just on one marketing strategy, nor can they rely on many ways of distinct marketing. Instead, optimal marketing practices include integrated marketing communication (IMC), in which all parts of a company's promotion work together to form a whole. Email marketing must be included, therefore your emails must have the same appearance and message as the rest of your operations.


    When it comes to email copywriting, you must examine all parts of the language, from the subject line to your email signature. Not all links in emails should be kept for the last line; insert them early to get that impulsive consumer!


    This discusses the email header, which includes attributes such as the subject line, from address, to address, date/time of receipt, and format. Again, testing your advertisements may eliminate the qualities that clients consider spam while highlighting the attributes that will work best for your company.

    Landing Page

    Do you want those emails to convert into sales? Don't just send your clients to your home page; show them exactly where you want them to go and make it quick and easy for them to fill out any forms! Before doing this you need to What is Landing Page is and How it Works?

    Email marketing is an essential component in many sectors, particularly when it comes to establishing key connections with customers. Learn how to utilize it properly, and it will undoubtedly help your company's success.

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